Synonym Generator



This feature is enabled per request, please reach out to our CSD team or your project manager for more information.

The Synonym Generator is an AI-powered tool designed to assist HawkSearch users in enhancing your search functionalities by suggesting relevant synonyms. This innovative feature streamlines the process of expanding the synonym, crucial for improving search accuracy and user experience. By analyzing existing content, the Synonym Generator intelligently proposes synonyms that capture various ways end-users might express the same intent.


  1. After your account has Synonym Generator enabled by HawkSearch personnel, please go to the Workbench
  2. Please click on the Keyword Search in the left navigation
  3. Please click on the Synonyms within the Keyword Search
  4. Please add or edit any of your existing synonyms
  1. You will be able to see the AI Synonyms Generator within your configuration page

How It Works

One-Way Synonym

Once you have completed the initial synonym configuration, follow the following steps to utilize the AI Synonym Generator for expanding your synonym list:

  1. Seed Synonym Entry: In the Synonym field, enter a term you wish to enhance with additional synonyms. This term will act as a 'seed' for the AI to generate related synonym suggestions.

  2. Review AI Suggestions: After entering the seed synonym, the "AI Synonym Generator" section will display 10 related synonyms suggested by the AI.

  3. Accept Suggestions: To add any of the AI-suggested synonyms to your list, simply click on the synonym tag you wish to adopt. This action will automatically add the selected synonym to the Synonyms field.

Multi-Way Synonym

Once you have completed the initial synonym configuration, follow the following steps to utilize the AI Synonym Generator for expanding your synonym list:

  1. Seed Synonym Entry: In the Synonym Group field, enter a term you wish to enhance with additional synonyms. This term will act as a 'seed' for the AI to generate related synonym suggestions.
  2. Review AI Suggestions: After entering the seed synonym, the "AI Synonym Generator" section will display 10 related synonyms suggested by the AI.
  3. Accept Suggestions: To add any of the AI-suggested synonyms to your list, simply click on the synonym tag you wish to adopt. This action will automatically add the selected synonym to Synonym Group field.