Rule Builders
A query is a request for data results, for action on data, or for both. You can use a query to search for specific items based on if the condition is met.
Where to find Rule Builders
You can find query builders in several places in the Workbench. You can find a Rule Builder in the Landing Pages Administration.
To navigate to a Rule Builder in the Landing Pages:
- Click on "Workbench"
- On the Navigation Pane, click on Merchandising -> Landing Pages
- Click the "Pencil" to edit a Landing Page and to view the Query Builder.
You can also find a Query Builder in "Boost & Bury Rules":
- Click on "Workbench"
- On the Navigation Pane, click on Merchandising -> Boost & Bury Rules
- Click on "Add/Edit Conditional Rules"
Click on the "Pencil" to edit the Boost & Bury Rule.
The "Select Items to Display" section contains a Rule Builder.
- Select "ANY" or "ALL". If "ANY" of the following conditions are met, Items will display according to any of the listed conditions. If "ALL" is selected, every listed condition has to be met, in order for Items to display.
- When you click on the "Select Value" menu, a list of fields display. Select a field that you would like to include in the query.
- Depending on the field type, the list of operands change.
- For text fields, the operands include:
- is – the query will include whatever text is in the field
- is not – the query will exclude the text in the field
- contains – Contains an exact or partial match of the text string within the field you selected for filtering.
- does not contain - Does not contain an exact or partial match of the text string within the field you selected for filtering.
- is in – Matches any value in a delimited set. NOTE: Separate values with a comma to specify a list.
- is not in - If the value of the specified field is not one of the specified values, it is true.
- For numeric fields, the operands include:
- equals – matches the value in the condition
- does not equal – Does not match the value in the condition
- equals or greater than – Is larger than or equal to the value in the condition
- equals or less than – Is less than or equal to the value in the condition
- greater than – Is larger than the value in the condition
- less than – Is less than the value in the condition
- For text fields, the operands include:
- Enter the value to compare to the field selected in Step 2
- Click on the Calculate & Show Matches button to view the results of the query.
Dynamic Values in Rule Builder
The Rule Builder supports dynamic values to make rules context-aware. These placeholders dynamically insert current date-related values. Each placeholder accepts only one specific format:
- {{current day}}: Inserts today’s date in the format YYYY.MM.DD (e.g., "2025.01.06").
- {{current month}}: Inserts the current month in the format YYYY.MM (e.g., "2025.01").
- {current year}}: Inserts the current year in the format YYYY (e.g., "2025").
Example with Dynamic Values:
- Rule set up
- Field: Date
- Operator: equals
- Value: {{current day}}
- Actual rule: Date equals 2025.01.06
Updated about 1 month ago