
Access the Advanced Explanation

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Once it is turned on, you can access the advanced explanation by hovering over the yellow boost bubble and clicking “Explain”. In the resulting pop-up, click on the “Advanced Explanation” tab to view.

This advanced explanation details each keyword-field match identified by the search engine. For each keyword-field match, there is a score and the other factors listed. These keyword-field matches can be filtered by keyword or field name for simplified viewing.

Advanced Explanation

Boost ResultA multiplier applied to a field or term to increase its importance to the final score, which significantly influences the overall relevance score of a document for a given query.
IDF ResultInverse document frequency, measure of how often the term appears across the index
Doc CountNumber of documents containing the term
Doc FrequencyMeasures how often the term appears across the index
TF ResultTerm frequency result, a normalized score that represents how often a term appears in a document, taking into account the document's length and other factors. This normalized score is to ensure that differences in document length are accounted for when determining the importance of a terms' frequency.
Term FrequencyMeasures how often a term appears in the document. This sis an unnormalized measure of term importance.
k1Term saturation parameter
bLength normalization parameter
Field LengthLength of field
Avg Field LengthAverage length of field