Facet Pinning


Facet Pinning allows you to "pin" specific facets so they remain in a designated position, irrespective of automatic ordering based on popularity or other criteria. This is particularly useful in scenarios where specific attributes (e.g., brand, price, size) are crucial to the user experience and should remain easily accessible.

How to Ping a Facet?

You can pin facets in 2 ways:

From the facet administration

  1. Locate the facet you want to pin in the facet list.
  2. Click on the pin icon next to the facet name.
  3. The facet will be pinned in its current position.

When adding or editing individual facet

  1. While adding a new facet or editing an existing one, you'll see a pin icon.
  2. Click on the pin icon to enable pinning.
  3. Specify the desired position for the pinned facet.

Scenarios when adding or editing individual facet

When you pin a facet or change its position in the add or edit view, the following behaviors apply:

  1. Moving a Facet to a Smaller Position:
    1. Example: Moving a facet from position 9 to position 3
    2. Result: All facets currently in positions 3 to 8 will shift down by one position, making room for the moved facet.
  2. Moving a Facet to a Larger Position
    1. Example: Moving a facet from position 9 to position 13
    2. Result: All facets currently in positions 10 to 12 will shift up by one position, allowing the moved facet to occupy position 13.
  3. Attempting to Move to a Pinned Position:
    1. If you try to move a facet to a position that's already occupied by a pinned facet, the system will prevent the move and display an error message.

Facet Pinning Behavior Overview

Key concepts

  1. Pinned Facets: Facets that you've selected to remain in a fixed position.

  2. Suggested Order: An automatic ordering of facets based on relevance or popularity.

  3. Auto Reordering: A feature that automatically reorganizes facets based on their suggested order and pinned status.

How Pinning Works

Behavior based on auto-reordering and suggested order presence:

Auto ReorderingPinned Facet StatusSuggested Order PresenceBehavior
ONNone facet is pinnedAll facets have suggested orderAll facets are arranged according to their suggested order (e.g., popularity). The list dynamically adjusts based on this relevance.
ONNone facet is pinnedSome have suggested orderFacets with a suggested order are placed first based on their popularity. Facets without a suggested order follow immediately after, maintaining their original relative positions.
ONNone facet is pinnedNone have suggested orderAll facets remain in their original relative positions without rearranging since no suggested order is available.
ONOne or more facet are pinnedAll facets have suggested orderAll pinned facets remain fixed in their respective positions while suggested-ordered facets are arranged around them according to popularity.
ONOne or more facet are pinnedSome have suggested orderPinned facets remain fixed. Facets with a suggested order are arranged around pinned facets based on popularity. Unordered facets follow after the pinned and suggested-ordered facets.
ONOne or more facet are pinnedNone have suggested orderPinned facets remain fixed, while unordered facets retain their original relative positions around the pinned facets.
OFFNone facet is pinnedN/A (suggested order should still present)All facets retain their current positions with no reordering based on suggested orders. User can reorder any facets without any restrictions.
OFFOne or more facet are pinnedN/A (suggested order should still present)Pinned facets remain fixed. Other facets retain their original positions but can only be moved before or after the pinned facets.

Example: Pin Facet when Auto-Reordering is ON

Initial State - Prior Auto-Reordering

  1. Facet A: Current Position 1 (No suggested order)
  2. Facet B (Pinned): Current Position 2 (No suggested order)
  3. Facet C: Current Position 3 (Suggested Position 2)
  4. Facet D: Current Position 4 (Suggested Position 3)
  5. Facet E (Pinned): Current Position 5 (No suggested order)
  6. Facet F: Current Position 6 (Suggested Position 1)
  7. Facet G: Current Position 7 (No suggested order)

Ordering Example - Post Auto-Reordering

Pinned Facets:

  1. Facet B remains fixed at Position 2.
  2. Facet E remains fixed at Position 5.

Suggested Order Arrangement:

  1. Facet F (Suggested Position 1) is placed before both pinned facets, at Position 1.
  2. Facet C (Suggested Position 2) is placed immediately after the first pinned facet (Facet B) at Position 3.
  3. Facet D (Suggested Position 3) is placed after Facet C, at Position 4.

Unordered Facets:

  1. Facet A follows the second pinned facet (Facet E) at Position 6.
  2. Facet G follows Facet A at Position 7.

Final Result

The reordered list is now:

  1. Facet F (Suggested Order Position 1)
  2. Facet B (Pinned)
  3. Facet C (Suggested Order Position 2)
  4. Facet D (Suggested Order Position 3)
  5. Facet E (Pinned)
  6. Facet A (No Suggested Order)
  7. Facet G (No Suggested Order)

Sorting and Filtering

Sorting will reorganize the items according to the selected criteria and filtering (using Search) will display only the relevant subset of items. When the list is being sorted or filtered, the auto reordering, order number, suggested order, and pinning features will not be presented or available to maintain consistency. This ensures that pinned items and reordering rules do not conflict with the sorted or filtered view, and all items are consistently presented according to the current sorting or filtering configuration.