Content Items Tracking - Summary Report


This report will provide some insights on the content items tracking for your search results. It allows you to see the click and impression count numbers along with CTR per banner. Banner and Banner Campaign filters can be used to focus reports on a specific content item or items. Be sure to turn on tracking for content items in order to see data for the item in this report.

Navigating to the Content Items Tracking - Summary Home Page

  1. To navigate to the Banners - Summary Home Page, click on "Reports" from the top navigation.
  2. Next, you can either select "Content Items Tracking - Summary Report" from the left navigation or select it from the Reports Home Page. Either link will take you to the Content Items Tracking - Summary Report Page.

Customizing the Content Items Tracking - Summary Report

  1. Date: select a date range of when to pull the data. There are several popular options included in the drop-down. Additionally, you can select the option for "other" and then specify a customized date campaign. This last option is helpful for creating reports organized around time sensitive campaigns.
  2. Banner Campaign: Select the relevant banner campaign using the drop down menu.
  3. Visitor Target: Select a visit target to see content tracking data for a particular visitor target.
  4. Banner: Select the relevant banner using the drop down menu.
  5. Banner Tags: Enter a banner tag (or tags separated by commas) to narrow the scope of the report to a particular tag or set of tags.

Additional Options

  1. Search: Clicking the "Search" button will cause the display of the reports to change according to your newest specifications.
  2. Export: To export the report to an excel document, click on the "Export" button.
  3. Clear: The "Clear" button will delete any changes for the report that you have made and return all inputs to their defaults.
  4. Show Images: Toggling this switch to on renders a thumbnail image for each content item returned in the report.

Understanding Your Results

  • Banner Name: name of banner (image stored in Content Items); also displays file name
  • Impression Count: number of times this banner was displayed to users
  • Click Count: number of times users clicked on the banner (if clickable)
  • CTR: the click-through-rate, calculated by dividing the Click Count by the Impression Count: this represents the percentage of users that clicked on the banner after seeing it (if the banner is clickable)
  • Tags: displays any tags that are stored with the Content Item