Limit Facet Values Number per Facet
Environment: All
Hawksearch Versions: Hawksearch v4.0 and Hawksearch v4.0L
The Facets Followed by Spiders section of Hawksearch SEO Traffic Builder allows you to specify which facets should be crawled by spiders and the depth of the facets (only for nested scenarios) that should be crawled.
Our SEO Traffic Builder tool now has ability to help you with your crawl budget by limiting the number of facets.
UI Changes
Added a Max # of Values per Facet column that will allow to limit the number of facet values from each facet that we will use for sitemap building.
Changes that Impact Different Facet Types
a. Non-nested facets
For non-nested facets the max # of facet values per facet is applied at the facet level.
E.g. if max # of facet values per facet for Color facet is 5, we will only use the first 5 facet values for sitemap building.
Let’s look at the Brand facet shown below. Only the first 5 facet values will be used for the sitemap building:
b. Nested facets
For nested facets (both nested links and nested checkbox types) we are accounting for max # of facet values per facet AND Max Depth.
If max # of facet values per facet for Department facet is 2, and max depth is set to 2, we will have to account for 2x2=4 variations that will be used for sitemap building.
Department/Subcategory 1 = Camp & Hike
Department/Subcategory 2 = Kids
Depth = 2 means that we will be using just Camp & Hike and Kids subcategories for sitemap building.
max # of facet values per facet = 2 means that we will use the first two facet values from each of those subcategories:
c. Canonical URLs and Landing Pages
Canonical URLs can be specified within Landing Pages settings:
The canonical URL logic follows the limits as well. If a facet value is not going to be included into the sitemap, the canonical URL will point back to the main landing page when the facet is selected.
The title, meta description, and meta keywords logic of the page will honor the limits as well.
Example Canonical Link:
d. Swatches, Range/Open Range, and Slider Facets
Supported for sitemap building:
- Swatches
- Range/open range facets
Not supported for sitemap building:
- Sliders
e. Facet Boosting and Visibility Rules
Boosting and visibility rules for facet values within a facet are not taken into consideration for sitemap building. Therefore, if a facet value is
- boosted/buried - the boost/bury will not be taken into consideration for sitemap building
- hidden - the facet value will still be considered when creating a sitemap
Updated over 1 year ago