Visitor Targets / Personas

Visitor Targets Video Tutorial


Visitor Targets can dynamically optimize the customer experience and target all aspects of the site search and browsing experience based on the visitor's:

  • Source (email campaign, paid search, social media, etc.)
  • Browser
  • State
  • Country
  • Custom Conditions (user defined values such as gender)

Navigating to the Visitor Targets Administration Home Page

  1. To navigate to the Visitor Targets Administration section, click on "Workbench" from the top navigation.

  2. Next, select "Merchandising" from the left navigation and select "Visitor Targets/Personas" from the subcategories. This link will take you to the "Visitor Targets Administration" home page.

  3. Once you arrive on the home page, you have the option to perform two kinds of searches. The first search enables you to type a keyword into the "Name" field and pull up any Visitor Targets that include that keyword in the name.

  4. The other search allows you to do a tag search by typing any tags that you've applied to the Visitor Target you're looking for by entering it in the "Tags" field.

  5. After you have entered one or both search fields, click the "Search" button to generate a list of results matching your search criteria.

  6. If you would like to edit one of the Visitor Targets, click on the pencil icon. To delete a Target click on the trash can icon. To copy a target click on the paper icon.

  7. You can also move the order of the Visitor Targets up and down on the page by clicking on the double arrows and sliding the selected Target up and down on the list.

  8. Finally, if you would like to add a new Visitor Target, click on the the "Add Visitor Target" link.

Adding a Visitor Target

  1. When adding a Visitor Target, first give your Visitor Target a name by entering it into the "Name" field.

  2. Next, add any tag(s) in the "Tags" field in order to recall the Visitor target at a later time. Once you complete these two basic fields, you will need to define the conditions under which the Visitor Target will be applied.

  3. Decide whether you would like to "Stop Further Rules Processing" by turning the radio switch "ON" or "OFF". When switched to "ON" any time the target applies, targets listed below the new target on the Administration page will no longer process.

  4. Next, specify if you would like to use the Visitor Target to boost by turning the radio switch to "ON" or "OFF". Enabling this feature allows for a collection of stats for this particular visitor target and enables learning per visitor target.

  5. When creating a new condition, you will be asked to specify certain situations that will trigger the visitor target. First, you will have to select whether any or all conditions must apply. If you select "ANY" from the drop-down, then each condition will be treated independently. If a visitor satisfies even one of the conditions, the visitor target will be triggered. If you select "ALL" from the drop-down, then each condition must be met in order to trigger the visitor target.

  6. Then, choose the condition that will trigger the Visitor Target. In this example, the "Source" condition was selected. You have seven conditions from which to choose: Source, Browser, State, Country, Custom, Time of Day, and User.

    • Source: The source type tracks specified links so you can display customized search results depending on the banner promotions placed on external sites.
    • Browser: The browser type tracks what type of browser a visitor is using and allows you to customize the display of content based on this information.
    • State: The state type tracks what state a visitor is from and displays content based on region.
    • Country: The country type works in a similar fashion and allows you to display content based on a wider region.
    • Custom: The custom field can be used to match values that are passed in such as demographic information or customer group information.
    • Time of Day: The time of day type can help you display content depending on the range of time you choose. It can enhance the results for users based on the time of day.
    • User: The user type allows you to choose which users will see the content.
  7. Once you select a field, you will be prompted to choose an operator provided based on the selected condition. Choose one of these operators from the drop-down.

  8. Finally, enter the keyword or value that will trigger the Visitor Target.

  9. You can add a sub-condition by clicking the arrow next to the rule. This will cause an "Add Condition" button to appear within the sub-condition window. To add an additional sub-condition, click on this button. To delete a condition or sub-condition, click on the minus sign to the right of the condition.

  10. You can also add additional independent conditions by clicking on the "Add Condition" button in the lower left hand corner. The complexity of the visitor target is flexible and designed to handle as many conditions and sub-conditions as you need.

  11. After you have specified all conditions that will trigger the Visitor Target, click the "Save" button to create the Visitor Target.

Confirming the Completion of Adding a Visitor Target

Once you have saved your changes, you will be returned to the Visitor Targets Administration home page where you can confirm that your visitor target has been completed. You can utilize your Visitor Targets in Campaigns and Conditional Rules. Mousing over the "information" icon will display the rules for the Visitor Target. Mousing over the "?" icon will display the date the Target was create and when it was last modified.