Pagination & Sorting
Give users options to resort the results or to change how many results are on a page.

The results from Hawksearch, by default, are sorted by relevancy score. This score is calculated by the Hawksearch engine. It is generated from a number of factors, such as the number of fields that match the keyword, the settings of those fields, any boost/bury rules, as well as transactional data that is tracked in the Hawksearch database. Users can be given the option to resort the results by other factors, such as price, rating, or other data point that is being indexed in Hawksearch. This is managed in the sorting and pagination section of the Hawksearch workbench.
A default set of pagination options has been set up in the Hawksearch engine. The options for users to change the number of results per page can be altered easily through the sorting and pagination section of the Hawksearch workbench.
Customize Options
Default pagination and sorting options have been configured. You can alter these as needed. Find more information here: Sorting/Pagination
Updated over 1 year ago