Landing Pages

Landing Pages Administration Page

  1. To navigate to the Landing Pages Administration section, click on the "Workbench" tab in the top navigation.

  2. Next, select "Merchandising" from the left navigation. Clicking on this button will bring you to subcategories, select "Landing Pages".

  3. Once on the Landing Pages Administration home page, you will have the ability to perform a search by using different criteria. In the name field, type the name or keyword of the landing page.

  4. You also have an option to search based on "Tags". Simply type in the tag that you've assigned to the desired Landing Page to view.

  5. Another option is to search based on the “Custom URL”.

  6. You can also search based on the page type of the Landing Page, Product Listing or Content.

  7. Search by status by selecting the desired status here.

  8. To view pages whose facets have been overridden from the defaults for the page, choose "Yes". The "Facet Override?" column in the displayed results will indicate if facets have been overridden or not.

  9. After you have specified one or more search criterias, click the "Search" button to generate a list of results.

  10. To export a list of Landing Pages, click on “Export”. This will generate a report that you can download.

  11. The list of Landing Pages can be sorted by "Create Date" or "Modify Date".

  12. To edit a Landing Page, click on the "pencil" icon. To copy a Landing Page, click on the "paper" icon. To delete a Landing Page, click on the "trash can" icon.

  13. To create a new Landing Page, click on the "Add New Landing Page" link.

Adding a New Landing Page

This page will allow you to add or edit different Landing Pages. The Add/Edit Landing Page section is where you can customize the landing pages used in your site search. Start by giving the Landing Page a Name, Custom URL, and if necessary a Start Date/End Date. Then, specify what kind of results you want to see on the page and if there is any special sorting that should be applied these results. (i.e. sort by price, as opposed to relevancy.)

General Section

  1. First, enter a descriptive name for the Landing Page. The "Name" field allows you to provide a unique name & header title for your landing page. Choose a name that you can easily associate with an item, brand, sale, or campaign.

  2. Then, enter a name in "List Name" that will appear on the in the list of pages displayed on the Landing Page Administration page.

  3. The Custom URL field allows you to assign the URL requested from Hawksearch for this landing page. Please keep in mind that Hawksearch does not perform any URL re-writing so this is merely the URL requested from Hawksearch - NOT the URL customers would type into an address bar to reach this page.

  4. The Breadcrumb field allows you to manually list out any navigational states you'd like to include in your Landing Page. A common example is to provide a link back to the home page, then any category or sub category.
    Example: Home >> Cateogory >> Sub-Category >> Sub-Category 2

  5. You can utilize the Custom Field for unique codes or notes that you don't want to be overwritten by anyone else on the team. This field can be set as Read Only through the Administrative Settings to prevent it from being modified.

  6. Tags can be utilized by business users to quickly locate merchandising elements relating to themes or strategies. These labels can be searched using the "Tags" fields on the corresponding administration pages.

  7. If your team wants to put more internal comments about a Landing Page, they can do so with the Notes field. There is enough space to put as much detail as possible for your team to reference.


  1. The "Title" field allows you to provide a unique SEO Title for your landing page. Choose a title that you can easily associate with an item, brand, sale, or campaign.

  2. The canonical URL is single URL that a search engine will use to identify the page. It consolidates the information on a single preferred URL.

  3. The Meta Description should be a short concise summary of your website. This description is usually shown in conjunction with your Page Title in search engine results. Descriptive Meta Descriptions may help your site's pages rank higher in search engine.

  4. Meta Keywords are short concise phrases or terms that best describe your website. It is important to put the most important words or phrases at the beginning of the list. Separate the words or phrases by commas, however spaces are not needed between commas and new words. Descriptive Meta Keywords may help your site's pages rank higher in search engines.


To further customize the page, expand the "Additional" section to provide a page heading and/or add custom HTML to the page.

  1. Page Heading will populate the H1 Heading.
  2. Custom HTML will be sent in the Hawk response to be used on the Front End as needed.

Landing Page Types

There are two different Landing Page Types; Product Listing and Content Page.

  1. Product Listing Landing Page are used for brand or category pages.
  2. Content Landing Page have no products but can be used used for merchandising or articles.