What are the available parameters that can be used for API calls?
Parameter Name: keyword
Description: The keyword parameter expects a word or phrase. The keyword value is utilized to execute a keyword search and will return results based on the matching words.
Example: http://dev.hawksearch.net/sites/demo/?keyword=boots&output=xml
Parameter Name: Depends on how it is configured
Description: The facet name is configured in the fields/facets area of the Hawksearch Dashboard. If used, the engine refines the results based on the facets selected. For example, if Patagonia is specified, the results will only show products that are from the Patagonia brand.
If you only wish to extract facet values for a specific facet like brand, category out from hawk without requiring to receive any results or other components in the xml you can request that using the hawkfacets parameter in the URL. In this case the xml will only contain data for facet you requested for.
Example: http://dev.hawksearch.net/sites/demo/?brand=patagonia&output=xml
For extracting facet values for a specific facet like brand: http://dev.hawksearch.net/sites/demo/?hawkfacets=brand&output=xml
Many Per Page
Parameter Name: mpp
Description: This value determines how many products to show per page. If mpp is not defined, it will default to 12 records per page.
Example: http://dev.hawksearch.net/sites/demo/?pg=3&mpp=12&output=xml
Page Number
Parameter Name: pg
Description: This value determines which page to show a result list. If mpp is not defined, it will default to 12 records per page. If pg is not defined, it will default to the first page.
Example: http://dev.hawksearch.net/sites/demo/?pg=3&mpp=12&output=xml
Parameter Name: sort
Description: This value determines how the list will be sorted. Relevance ranking will not apply if a sort value is defined. If sort is not defined, it will default to relevance ranking or a default sort order.
Example: http://dev.hawksearch.net/sites/demo/?sort=**salepriceasc**&output=xml
Search Within
Parameter Name: searchWithin
Description: This value can perform an additional keyword search within existing criteria.
Example: http://dev.hawksearch.net/sites/demo/?searchWithin=blue&keyword=north+face&output=xml
Content Type
Parameter Name: it
Description: This parameter is used to select which content type to show from Hawksearch. For example, this is used with displays tabs for products or content search.
Example: http://dev.hawksearch.net/sites/demo/?keyword=patagonia&it=content&output=xml
Parameter Name: expand
Description: This parameter is enables the search results to expand. If the results are too narrow, expand can be utilized with the operator parameter to increase the search results. For example, searching for green gloves might result in only 4 products. Expanding this query would now bring gloves that are not green.
Example: http://dev.hawksearch.net/sites/demo/?keyword=patagonia&expand=1&output=xml
Parameter Name: operator
Description: By default, the operator value is set to AND. This allows for a more precise result list. Passing in OR for the operator value will increase the search results
Example: http://dev.hawksearch.net/sites/demo/?keyword=green gloves&expand=1&operator=OR&output=xml
Debug Flag
Parameter Name: prv
Description: If the Debug Flag is set to 1, additional debug information is returned for each product. Score, Boost score, and the internal ID are returned.
Example: http://dev.hawksearch.net/sites/demo/?keyword=green gloves&prv=1&output=xml
Parameter Name: output
Description: This parameter is to indicate what format the response should be. html, xml,json and custom are valid values. When using value custom all components will be returned as the html and you will have the option to request only items be returned in a certain format using the hawkitem list parameter as explained in the next section.
Example: http://dev.hawksearch.net/sites/demo/?keyword=patagonia&it=content&output=xml
Hawk Item List
Parameter Name: hawkitemlist
Description: When using the output=custom parameter this parameter is used to indicate what format the response for results should be. html, xml,json and custom are valid values.
Example: http://dev.hawksearch.net/sites/demo/?keyword=patagonia&it=content&output=custom&hawkitemlist=json
Updated about 1 year ago