Item Pinning




The Item Pinning feature needs to be enabled. If interested, please contact your account manager for details to enable the feature on the account.

Item Pinning helps merchandisers drag and drop products that they want to highlight within search results, landing pages, or top-level navigation.

As Item Pinning rules increase, a management interface is needed. As with other Workbench features, this new feature is available through the navigation menu under the Merchandising section and is consistent with how other Workbench rules are managed.

Ways to use Item Pinning include:

  • Use Visitor Targets to trigger an Item Pinning rule
  • Use Start and End times to trigger an Item Pinning rule
  • Prioritize Item Pinning rules to schedule out these rules to coincide with future promotions

Navigating the Item Pinning Home Page

  1. To navigate to the Item Pinning Administration Page, click on the "Workbench" tab in the top navigation.

  2. Then, select "Merchandising" from the left navigation and choose "Item Pinning" from the subcategories.

  3. The first search field allows you to search for the name of your Pinning. If you know the name, or a keyword from the name, type it into the "Name" field.

  4. You can conduct a search based on a keyword.

  5. You can search for a Pinning by entering the Start and/or End Date that the Pinning was created.

  6. You can search using tags by typing in a tag that you've previously applied to a Pinning into the "Tags" field.

  7. Choose an existing landing page associated with the pinning.

  8. Search by the pinning results type: "All results", "Keyword" or "Landing Page".

  9. Once you have entered your preferred parameters, click on "Search" to review your results.

  10. If you would like to edit one of the Pinnings, you can do so by clicking the pencil icon. To delete a Pinning, click the trash can icon. To copy a Pinning, click the paper icon.

To view a preview of pinned items, click on the pin icon.

  1. To add a new Pinning, click on the "Add New Pinning" link.

Adding a New Pinning

Clicking the "Add New Pinning" link will take you to a screen that allows you to set the parameters for your new Pinning.

  1. First, add the name of the pinning in the "Name" field.

  2. If you would like, specify a date range for the pinning by entering a start date and end date.

  3. Specify any tags that you would like to use to later search for or identify the pinning with.

  4. Enter any comments for internal use and reference.

  5. Select the context for the collection of pins being managed.

    • "All results" - Will apply to result pages where no keyword is specified and are not refined from a landing page (facet selection only). The items that you pin on facets will also pin these products to all facets that it pertains to.
    • "Keyword" - Choose the keyword that applies to the group of pins. These items will only be pinned on that specific keyword search.
    • "Landing Page" - Items may also be pinned and manages per individual landing page.
  6. To designate pinned items specific to each sorting option, select the desired "Sorting" and "Sorting Option" here. For example, one or more items can be pinned when sorted by "Best Match" and a different set of items can be pinned when sorted by "Best Sellers".

  7. Select "Show Items" to see all items that correspond to the parameters entered above.

  8. Select existing visitor targets configured within the workbench to trigger this collection of pinned items. All visitor targets specified in this section will need to be met in order to apply this set of pins.

  9. Select "Save" to save your changes and add the new pin.

Results in the "Preview" application will show items as pinned (1), not pinned (2), or will indicate if pinning is not enabled (3).