Training Videos

Below are the Hawksearch training videos available. If you have a suggestion for a training topic, please send a note to your Hawksearch Project Manager or [email protected].

After watching these videos, if you have questions or need further training, please reach out to your Hawksearch Project Manager or [email protected].

Getting Started in the Workbench

We will be walking you through the Hawksearch Workbench. Learn how to create synonyms, boost or bury products, display a banner and more. The intended audience is new users to Hawksearch or users that need a light refresher. (45 min)

Getting Started with Merchandising

Learn about the features Hawksearch has for boosting products, displaying banners, pinning results and more. The intended audience is users that need to set up and configure merchandising features, boosting results, pinning results, banners, and more. (40 min)


Learn how to configure your Recommendation widgets in Hawksearch. We will talk about the types of strategies available, best practices on configuring the widgets, and how to put them on a page. The intended audience is users that need to set up and configure recommendations, or anyone that wants to learn more about the functionality offered. (45 min)