Recommendation Widgets and Context
Hawksearch provides multiple strategies which may be used in conjunction so that the correct products are targeted to the correct user for the given context. More details in here
Widgets are a collection of strategies to be rendered onto the website. Widgets help in compiling the products suggested by the strategies. Admins can choose any set of strategies to add to the widgets as per business requirement. More details here
View Context
This corresponds to the source of the real-time information to be used by the Hawksearch recommendation system. It can be one of the following:

- Page Context - the recommendations will be based on the current item displayed on the page. This is usually associated with the Product Details Page (item details page).
- Last Viewed Item - the products in the recommendation widget will be based on the last viewed item.
- Last Added to Cart - the products in the recommendation widget will be based on the last item which was added to the cart.
- Last Purchased - the products in the recommendation widget will be based on the last item which was bought.
Page Type
Upon visiting the recommendation section, the below headers are displayed, under each there is a default widget created.

Updated over 1 year ago