Stale Index Alert
This email alert ensures your indexes remain fresh and relevant. By periodically checking your indexes and notifying you if they haven’t been updated within your specified timeframe, this feature proactively prevents issues caused by outdated indexes, ensuring your search system is always performing at its best.
Notification Details
Email notifications are sent when the system checks the current index at user-specified intervals. If the "Create Index" or "Last Indexing Date" or "End Date" exceeds a user-defined number of days, an email notification is triggered.
Name / Subject: Define the email notification's name or subject line for easy identification.
Notification Type: Stale Index
Days to Stale Index Alert: Set the number of days after which a notification is sent if no new index has been created or udpated.
Index Date Type:
Create Index Date: Select this if you typically perform a full index rebuild
Last Indexing Date: Select this if you typically perform a partial index rebuild
Recipients: Enter the email addresses of individuals who should receive the alert.
Is Active? Toggle to enable or disable the notification.
Name / Subject: Define the email notification's name or subject line for easy identification.
Notification Type: Stale Index
Please note that the "End Date" referred to by the Lucene engine is the end date of indexing. This date may represent either the completion of full indexing or partial indexing.
Recipients: Enter the email addresses of individuals who should receive the alert.
Is Active? Toggle to enable or disable the notification.
Specify how often the system should check whether the condition for triggering the 'Stale Index' alert has been met.
Take the schedule in the screenshot as an example: The schedule is set to check the index weekly on Monday at 8:00 AM. This ensures timely alerts if no new index has been created or updated after the specified number of days.
Email Notification Content
- E-mail notification generated on {Date/Time}
- Client Name (Your Engine Name)
- Environment: DEV/TEST/PROD
- Days to Index Inactivity
Subject: Alert for Stale Index
E-mail notification generated on: 6/4/2024 3:38:17 AM
Client Name: Elastic Demo
Environment: Development
Days to Index Inactivity: "3"
Updated 9 months ago