Units of Measurements


Unit of MeasureCompatible References
Centimetercm, centimetre, centimetres, centimeter, centimeters
Footft, foot, feet, '
Inchin, inch, inches, "
Meterm, metre, metres, meter, meters
Micrometerµm, micrometre, micrometres, micrometer, micrometers
Milemi, mile, miles
Millimetermm, millimetre, millimetres, millimeter, millimeters
Yardyd, yard, yards


Unit of MeasureCompatible References
Gramg, gram, grams
Kilogramkg, kilo, kilos, kilogram, kilograms
Milligrammg, milligram, milligrams
Ounceoz, ounce, ounces
Poundlb, lbs, pound, pounds
Tonne (Metric Ton)t, tonne, tonnes


Unit of MeasureCompatible References
Cupcup, cups
Gallongal, gallon, gallons
Literl, litre, litres, liter, liters
Pintp, pt, pint, pints
Quartqt, quart, quarts


Unit of MeasureCompatible References
Farad (F)Farads, farad
Milifarad (mF)Milifarads, milifarad, milifarads

mili-farad, mili-farads, mili-Farad, mili-Farads
Microfarad (μF)Microfarads, microfarad, microfarads

micro-farad, micro-farads, micro-Farad, micro-Farads,
Nanofarad (nF)Nanofarads, nanofarad, nanofarads

nano-farad, nano-farads, nano-Farad, nano-Farads,
Picofarad (pF)Picofarads, picofarad, picofarads

pico-farad, pico-farads, pico-Farad, pico-Farads,


Unit of MeasureCompatible References
AmpereA, amp, ampere
GigaampereGA, gigaampere
KiloampereKA, kiloampere
MegaampereMA*, megaampere

* case-sensitive

Electric Resistance

Unit of MeasureCompatible References
ohm (Ω)ohms,

Ohm, Ohms
kiloohm (kΩ)kiloohm, kiloohms, Kiloohm, Kiloohms, kilohm, kilohms, Kilohm, Kilohms

kilo-ohm, kilo-ohms, Kilo-ohm, Kilo-ohms, Kilo-Ohm, Kilo-Ohms

kilo ohm, kilo ohms, Kilo ohm, Kilo ohms, Kilo Ohm, Kilo Ohms,

kOhm, kOhms, kohm, kohms
Megaohm (MΩ)Megaohms, megaohm, megaohms,

mega-ohm, mega-ohms, Mega-ohm, Mega-ohms, Mega-Ohm, Mega-Ohms,

mega ohm, mega ohms, Mega ohm, Mega ohms, Mega Ohm, Mega Ohms,

*MOhm, *MOhms, *Mohm, *Mohms,
Gigaohm (GΩ)Gigaohms, gigaohm, gigaohms,

giga-ohm, giga-ohms, Giga-ohm, Giga-ohms, Giga-Ohm, Giga-Ohms

giga ohm, giga ohms, Giga ohm, Giga ohms, Giga Ohm, Giga Ohms,

*GOhm, *GOhms, *Gohm, *Gohms,
Teraohm (TΩ)Teraohms, teraohm, teraohms,

tera -ohm, tera -ohms, Tera-ohm, Tera-ohms, Tera-Ohm, Tera-Ohms

tera ohm, tera ohms, Tera ohm, Tera ohms, Tera Ohm, Tera Ohms,

*TOhm, *TOhms, *Tohm, *Tohms,

* case-sensitive

Electric Potential

Unit of MeasureCompatible References
GigavoltGV, gigavolt,gigavolts
KilovoltkV, kvolt, kvolts, kilovolt, kilovolts
MegavoltMV*, MVolt*, Mvolts*, megavolt, megavolts
MicrovoltµV, microvolt, microvolts
VoltV, volt, volts

* case-sensitive


Unit of MeasureCompatible References
Electrical Horsepowerhp(E), hp, horsepower, horsepowers, electrical horsepower, electrical horsepowers
Gigawattgw, gigawatt, gigawatts
KilowattkW, kilowatt, kilowatts
MegawattMW*, megawatt, megawatts
WattW, watt, watts

* case-sensitive


Unit of MeasureCompatible References
CelsiusC, °C, Celsius, degrees Celsius, degree Celsius
FahrenheitF, °F, Fahrenheit, degrees Fahrenheit, degree Fahrenheit
KelvinK, °K, Kelvin, Kelvins


Unit of MeasureCompatible References
Barbar, bars
Millimeter of MercurymmHg
Pounds per Square Inchpsi

Volumetric Flow

Unit of MeasureCompatible References
Cubic Foot per Hour (cu ft/h)cu ft/h, ft3 /h, cubic feet/h, cubic foot/h, cu feet/h, cu foot/h,

cu ft/hr, ft3 /hr, cubic feet/hr, cubic foot/hr, cu feet/hr, cu foot/hr,

cu ft/hour, ft3 /hour, cubic feet/hour, cubic foot/hour, cu feet/hour, cu foot/hour
Cubic Foot per Minute (cu ft/min)cu ft/min, ft3 /min, cubic feet/min, cubic foot/min, cu feet/min, cu foot/min,

cu ft/minute, ft3 /minute, cubic feet/minute, cubic foot/minute, cu feet/minute, cu foot/minute
Cubic Feet per Second (cu ft/s)cu ft/s, ft3 /s, cubic feet/s, cubic foot/s, cu feet/s, cu foot/s,

cu ft/sec, ft3 /sec, cubic feet/sec, cubic foot/sec, cu feet/sec, cu foot/sec,

cu ft/second, ft3 /second, cubic feet/second, cubic foot/second, cu feet/second, cu foot/second,
Fluid Ounces per Hourfl oz/hour, floz/hour, fl oz/hr, floz/hr, fl oz/h, floz/h +more
Fluid Ounces per Minutefl oz/min, floz/min, fl oz/minute, floz/minute +more
Fluid Ounces per Secondfl oz/sec, floz/sec, fl oz/second, floz/second +more
Gallons per Hourgal/hour, gal/hr, gal/h, GPH +more
Gallons per Minutegal/min, gal/minute +more
Gallons per Secondgal/sec, gal/second +more
Liters per Hourliter/hour, liter/hr, l/hour, l/hr, LPH +more
Liters per Minuteliter/minute, liter/min, l/min, l/minute +more
Liters per Secondliter/second, liter/sec, l/s +more
Milliliters per Hourml/hour, ml/hr, ml/h +more
Milliliters per Minuteml/min, ml/minute +more
Milliliters per Secondml/sec, ml/second +more

Patterns that match (x is a number)

Patterns that match (x is a number)
x x/x