Protected Words
Protected Words Video Tutorial
Protected Words allow you to indicate words that should only be searched exactly as is. Words added to this list are not included in the typical stemming process that occurs when a search is executed. For example, a search for the term "accounting" would normally be stemmed to "account". By adding "accounting" to the Protected Words list, a search for that term will return only items that exactly match the term 'accounting' - not the stemmed version "account".
Editing Protected Words
To navigate to the Protected Words Administration page, click on the "Workbench" tab located in the top navigation.
Then, select the "Keyword Search" in the left navigation and choose "Protected Words" from the subcategories.
Once you have arrived on the Protected Words Administration page, you can begin to make any needed changes to the group directly in the text box. Make sure to separate Protected Words with commas. To delete a Protected Word click the "x" button in the corner of the box around the word you wish to get rid of.
After you have completed all of your changes, click the "Save" button.
Once you have confirmed the addition of your Protected Words, return to the main "Workbench" home page and click the "Rebuild Index" button. Data changes will not take effect until the Hawksearch Index is rebuilt.
Updated over 1 year ago